Man of Nooka Sound Vancouver Island, Canada, Captain Cook's 3rd voyage, 12 July 1776 - 4 October 1780, carrying a bow and arrow case, wearing a fur and woven hat, anklets, painting, main floor hallway, Anchorage Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.
A Maori Chief wearing the Cape of his Rank, tattoos, fur, boat, fish drying on a rack, landform cliff, painting, main floor hallway, Anchorage Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.
Alaskan drum painted totemic designs, mixed realism with traditional Indian style, raven sun, eagle, killer whale, salmon leaping, Anchorage Pioneer's Home, glass display case in entrance, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.
Round Table, chairs, TV monitor, conference room, 2nd floor, Studio C, Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.
People on a spring walk, Rosie in tow, muddy path, near Foster Island, trees, bushes, Montlake Cut, Boating Opening Day, Seattle, Washington, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.
Giant Viking hat with horns, cart, milk box, rocks, clay sun, stick, fence, Ballard, Seattle, Washington, USA, originally uploaded by Wonderlane.