Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Parable of the Cobra Snake

A long time ago in ancient India there lived a gigantic cobra snake. And It was mean and it was bad – it went around biting everything and everyone – animals –dogs, cats, chickens, you name it - young people, old people, healthy people, sick people, rich people, poor people. It was bad and it was big.  

One day a great guru was walking through town and came up to the cobra and in its’ language – ‘cause you know gurus can speak all kinds of languages – said, “what are you doing? What what?” He just tiraded on this cobra. “What are you doing ? Don’t bite people – why are you biting people?”  

The cobra felt so bad, “I’m sorry, I am sorry holy guru…I’m so sorry.”  

And the guru said “look I’ll give you a teaching - Look just don’t bite anybody any more and everything will be just great.” So he left.
He comes back a few months later – and he was looking for the cobra to see how he was doing. And he asked the people in the town “What happened to the cobra?” And they start laughing, “Oh, he’s on the other end of town, you should see…” 

And the guru, surprised, went to the other end of town and there hiding in the bushes beaten to crap - broken bones, bleeding, bruises - is the cobra. And the guru said “what happened?”  

The cobra said “Well you told me not to bite anyone.”  

And the guru smiled, “Yah I told you - you couldn’t bite anybody but I didn’t tell you couldn’t hiss!”

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