Monday, June 20, 2005

Bloggers Unite to Make Hunger History

Dave Sifey on Backstage Blogging competition
Go to and watch the video and sign the declaration. Get up to speed on what Live8 is all about.
Go to and put one of the badges on your blog. It is pretty easy to do, you just need to add the code on the badge page to your weblog template.

Go and read the posts about Live8 on Joe Trippi's blog and on Powerline - this is a nonpartisan effort.

Pick the show that's nearest to you - and send an email to me, Joe, and to John with the following information:

Your name and age
Your blog name and URL
Which show you want to go to (please only pick one show), and
Your snail mail address (so we know where to send the show packets)

Go and blog about Live 8, and tag your posts with the Live 8 tag (instructions on how to do this are here). You've got to put the badge up on your blog and have posted at least once about Live 8 with the tag to get selected.

Keep an eye on your mailbox. Given the incredible time crunch, we'll let you know what's up no later than Thursday June 30th.

Tell all your friends. The goal here is to get 100,000 blog posts out before the G8 summit, and to get as many people out there blogging about Live 8, third world debt relief, the plight of the hungry and poor everywhere and what we can do about it.

There may be additional credentials that we can get from the Live 8 people, and Joe, John, and I are going to work our butts off to get credentials for the other shows as well, including Toronto and the shows in Great Britain. More to come. In the meantime, please go out and listen, read, and blog - together perhaps we can help to shift the conversation, and influence country policies to help to make poverty history.

Live 8 Blogging

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