Thursday, February 22, 2007

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

I am very wild about the book I recommend How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

This research sponsored by a number of agencies and brought together here in an action packed volume is not to be missed, created by National Research Council (U. S.) Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice (Author), National Research Council (Corporate Author), John Bransford (Editor), Ann L. Brown (Editor), Rodney R. Cocking (Editor).

"Dr. John D. Bransford is the James W. Mifflin University Professor of Education and Psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Bransford is also Principal Investigator and Director of the LIFE Center, a recently funded National Science Foundation Sciences of Learning Center.

Bransford and his colleagues have won numerous awards. His Ph.D. dissertation won honorable mention in the national "Creative Talent Awards" Contest; several of his published articles (co-authored with colleagues) have won "article of the year" awards in the areas of science education, technology, design, and theories of transfer."1

Amanda Baggs, a 26 year old autistic woman, posted a video on that is so very impressive about how she learns and how she perceives the world - here's the link to the CNN article which has a link to the video:

Her video, and the article on help to clarify how some people perceive reality that differs from others. Outsiders can understand each other at a level that others must make efforts to understand, if they ever can.

Ms. Baggs' view on human rights, and what it means to be human is quite compelling.


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