Monday, January 26, 2009

Dr. Joseph E. Stiglitz recommends solution to economic crisis

Joe is one of my big heros and I just thought I would mention him again since CNN published one of his common sense articles today suggesting solutions for the US bank bailout:

When studying one of our Masters of Information classes I looked into the financial side of information management and discovered Joseph E. Stiglitz, the Nobel Memorial Prize winner in Economic Sciences in 2001, for his work on the economics of information. Joe is a professor at Columbia University.

Dr. Stiglitz wrote "Making Globalization Work" which I very much admire.

Here's a search response on his books:

Here is a link to some of his writings about the current economic situation.

His autobiography:

Here are links to two of the articles I wrote based on my reading research:

"In order to be considered a great global leader China should maintain peace and respect for corporate property rights. They need to immediately focus on their serious environmental pollution problems to survive. Politically China needs to resolve the long-standing repression of the Tibetan people; it is too expensive in terms of public relations."

and a "How I researched and wrote the article" document -

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