I'm very at angry an J.P. Morgan right now. They should be spanked.
I mean it was the sweat of America to pull out of the great depression, the deaths of immigrants (mostly chinese), and a nation's desire not to just die out that invested Morgan with the ability of mastermind the construction of a national railroad system, The government backed this.
Remember the Hoovervilles? Remember the Highway and Train projects that Roosevelt worked out to save our country? (Department of Defence operations -- Defending America from annihilation due to crappy investment schemes). I don't want the most mighty nation on earth -- militarily speaking -- to be living in Hoovervilles, scraping for food. I don't want to watch '29 again.
Just watch the dominoes falling. They would appear to have one chance:
Total investment into the regeneration of the railroads, first, total investment in retraining the workers of America for the demands of the world we now live in. America became great because of our ability to transport, to communicate, and our spirit of creativity, and our understanding of the importance of education.
There are a number of people that had families that have generally turned into multinational conglomerates that need to be called on to Bring The Balance Back.
Right now I'm upset about J.P. Morgan. The ghost of David Rockefeller, who disappeared in Indonesia some years ago, is in my dreams now. Rothschilds is running an invisable grid over the whole thing, and needs to show their true face -- let the world see where their interests lie.
The Kennedy fortune is pretty much a memory -- for what that's worth. The family's money was mostly generated by drug dealing -- illegal importation of Alchohol from Canada during the constitutionally mandated illegality on alchohol. The Lake Michigan connection. Their karma has come and gone. Tears for sorrow.
There are some major players who are not playing, probably because they are looking for shelters rather that getting in there and volunteering to help save America -- They seem to think that propping up the international monetary system, as represented by conglomerate enterprises that are all sick, is more important than investing in the lives of the people whos grandparents made them rich.
I want to puke.
Let's have a puke-in.
Let's have a jaderman regular person human being puke in on a global basis. Let's call on our grandparents' ghosts to reemerge and Bring The Balance Back.
Yes Chris,
You are referring to the $US85 billon dollar buy off. So this is the face of "socialism for the rich" I wondered what it would look like.
This "correction" is also the face of enforced change. It appears having friends in high places can make things go alot smoother for your gigantic financial institution as it tanks.
Pretty sad to be handing off an America with no title.
NY Fed repaid JPMorgan for $US87bn in Lehman financing
TOP News
US Fed bails out world's biggest insurer AIG with $US85bn lifeline to head off calamity 12:06 PM
"NEW YORK - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York took the unusual step of providing some $US87 billion in financing to units of bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc to prevent disruption in trading markets as customers flee, according to a filing.
JPMorgan Chase & Co advanced $US87 billion to Lehman on Monday to help clear and facilitate securities transactions with customers and clients of Lehman "to avoid disruption of financial markets," according to documents filed in US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.
The New York Fed then repaid the advance, according to filings. A Fed representative declined to comment."
Painting by Donald Roller Wilson
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