Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You are #1 ...

Federal Reserve Bank, Hotel, Office Building, American Flag, Financial District, San Francisco, California, USAMy office is 2 blocks from the US Federal Reserve Bank and The Bank of America in San Francisco, California.

Walking between them next to the US Fed Reserve Bank building I noticed the sidewalk is very sparkly with black mica embedded in the concrete, right then a young chicano man walked by me, wearing a sparkly black shirt with the words "Big Money" in a large cursive script emblazoned across his chest as he dragged his long levis along his ankles original gangster style. (Yah, by the way Ice-T you make it look good.)

As I passed by the Fed's high security entry gate for vehicles an enormous breaker bar of massive steel suddenly and quietly appeared from a steel panel in the ground with a yellow bar at the top of it. Nobody driving anything is getting in that gate, not even Batman. They'd have to come from above.

Rounding the corner, three guys in a tiny white car passed me, one stuck his head and chest out the window and bellowed out in my general direction "You are #1 Bitch." I think those were the words to the song.

Being the research geek I am I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary - but You are Number 1 Bitch is not defined yet. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=number+one+bitch. There you have it.

Well of course I should reserve judgement, but I prefer to think at the street level in San Francisco at least, being ichiban is surely royal like. Now that I could find as an American made t-shirt for your Ichiban Dog - http://pets.cafepress.com/item/ichiban-1-dog-tshirt/22320213.

So I offer this to the #1 Ichiban Federal Reserve Bank -

"She's a Brick-house,
She's mighty mighty,
Just lettin' it all hang out.
Yea she's a brick-house,
That lady's stacked,
And that's a fact,
Ain't holdin' nothin back,
Oh she's a brick-house,
Yeah she's the one, the only one,
Built like an Amazon"

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